Eating a Curry Can Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Dementia

So this is a short post about something you can have to reduce your chances of getting dementia. My interest of dementia has come about from studying a PhD in this area. I am learning lots of ways to age healthily and what to do to reduce our chances of getting this horrible and debilitating disease.

I made chickpea curry at uni containing turmeric

Eating healthily and exercising isn't just for confidence and cosmetic reasons there are longer term benefits too. As I'm from an Indian background we eat curries fairly often where we add turmeric (haldi) to give the curry some colour. I have heard a lot about the healing powers of turmeric and though I'd share with all of you.

Evidence it helps dementia: Without getting too technical, research has found that turmeric contains a chemical curcumin and when it's consumed it supports memory function. Research has also found that it decreases the development of plaques in the Alzheimer's brain (Beta-amyloid plaques).

Other Benefits
  1. Detoxifies the liver,
  2. Is a natural painkiller- helps with inflammatory issues such as skin condition,
  3. Has been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
Plus many more!!

How to consume
From attending conferences I have been informed that using turmeric root is the best option to integrate into our diets for superior benefits. Below I have included some recipes:
 Picture from:

Ingredients for Golden Milk 
  • 2 cups of milk (or substitute coconut milk)
  • Half an inch of turmeric root sliced fine (or a teaspoon of turmeric powder)
  • Half and inch of ginger sliced fine (or a teaspoon of ginger powder)
  • Small pinch of black pepper
  • Honey to taste 

Turmeric Milk Ingredients "Golden milk" for cold, flus, depression, and more (in a recipe that actually tastes good...) 92K+Follow Me on Pinterest 2 cups of milk (or substitut...
2 cups of milk (or substitute coconut milk) 1 teaspoon dried turmeric (or one-half inch fresh turmeric thinly sliced or diced) 1 teaspoon dried ginger (or one-half inch fresh ginger...


2 cups of milk (or substitute coconut milk) 1 teaspoon dried turmeric (or one-half inch fresh turmeric thinly sliced or diced) 1 teaspoon dried ginger (or one-half inch fresh ginger...
(or one-half inch fresh ginger thinly sliced or diced) A sprinkle of black pepper. Honey to taste...

  1. Put milk in a saucepan, medium heat.
  2. Add turmeric, ginger, and pepper (stir well if dried spices are used).
  3. Simmer the milk, stir until small bubbles appear, stir again,  switch off the heat and cover the pan.
  4. After 5-10 minutes strain the milk (if fresh ingredients are used) 
  5. Serve warm
This recipe is from:

If the above doesn't appeal to:
  1. Boil water in a pan,
  2. Add half an inch of turmeric root (or 1 tsp turmeric powder)
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes. 
  4. Strain it through a sieve into a cup and add other ingredients such as honey, ginger, and/or lemon to taste.
Picture from:

You can also add a thumb amount of turmeric root into juicing recipes.

Note: just be careful when you cut turmeric root as it stains yellow for ages- use plastic gloves if you can!!

I hope this was insightful for you all. Do you already consume turmeric? If so how do you integrate it into your diet? I'd love to hear your comments!

Lots of love,

Kimren xo


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