Successful Smoothie Sunday

Messing around with my Kaleidoscope function on my smartphone.
I love making smoothies! They are so filling (due to the fibre content) and are perfect for a nutritious breakfast.

 Breville Blend Active Review 
So I thought I'd start off this post by
reviewing the Breville Blend Active smoothie maker. I purchased mine for £19.99 from Amazon it includes:
  • 2 x 600ml BPA-free bottles
  • One-touch operation
  • Dishwasher safe detachable blades
Credit to  Tesco
The motivation for buying this product (rather than your 'traditional blender') is that I am always on the go. I needed to purchase a product that I could make smoothies in, with minimal wash up time.
My thoughts
  1.  I LOVE  this product! It's very easy to use. You just affix the blade to the bottle, clip it into the base and blend your smoothie with the one-touch operation.
  2. Once the ingredients are blended, it's grab and go - all you have to do is add the drinking top.
  3. The product is practical to wash and store.
I really recommend purchasing this product. The smoothie maker is very efficient, affordable and can be purchased by clicking here (limited stock at £19.99).

Breakfast Smoothie
I find that it helps to prepare the fruit before hand, by cutting and placing the ingredients into food bags to freeze (at least day in advance) for example, the picture on the right (below) has a sufficient amount of blueberries, strawberries and bananas for one serving.
In the morning I take out one frozen smoothie bag and hit it on the kitchen worktop to loosen the fruit (so it's not in one block). I then put the ingredients into the Blend Active bottle, and add milk (usually almond milk or sometimes ice cold water).

I also add extras such as:
  • Cinnamon to increase my metabolism, 
  • Oats to fill me up and stop me from snacking and;
  • Spinach which is known to improve skin health and is an excellent source of iron.

Breakfast Smoothie
I don't really follow recipes to my make smoothies- I just add whatever I have in the kitchen, but for inspiration Breville have published some smoothie recipes here

I also don't weigh the fruit or measure the liquid, however 100 days of real food is a very good article on the formula for the perfect smoothie so check that out too!

Thanks for reading my blog & Happy Sunday! 
Kimren xo


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